Course Description

Some people feel that they are completely out of control around sugar. They believe that one bite of something sweet will have them spiraling out of control into a sugar binge that they come back from. This session can help. This will help you to let go of your deep belief that you are addicted to sugar. You will find that you feel at ease around sugar and not anxious. People find that they are able to set loving limits around sugar that they were not previously able to. This session will give you peace around sweets that you need and allow you to feel safe and comfortable.

Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy

Leora Fulvio

Leora Fulvio is a California Licensed Psychotherapist and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Since 1999 she has helped thousands people to get past difficult roadblocks of the mind using hypnotherapy.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Hypnosis for Sugar Addiction

    • Hypnosis for Sugar Addiction

  • $499.00

    $499.005 Week Step-by-Step Program to Stop Binge Eating For Good

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  • $9.99

    $9.99Learn to Relax and Meditate

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Hypnosis for Motivation to Exercise

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Hypnosis to Crave Healthy Foods

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Hypnosis for Positive Body Image

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Mindful Eating Meditation

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Hypnosis for Intuitive Eating

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Hypnosis for Emotional Eating

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Hypnosis For Compulsive Eating

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Hypnosis to Help You Recover From Bulimia

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  • $12.99

    $12.99Hypnosis To Stop Binge Eating

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  • $47.00

    $47.00Hypnosis Bundle for Food and Eating Issues

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